1-Because it has dangerous unpredictable tipping points. We cannot play Russian Roulette with "our" planet.
2-Because it can trigger also other disasters ( Law of Murphy ) like:
2a-Supervulcano eruptions
2b-Big meteor hit(s)
2c- Dangerous pandemics
2d-Nuclear war.
We don't want any of the above mentioned scenario's !
2-This is what we want:
1- to continue our lives as we know it
2- a positive change is acceptable
3- Peace, Prosperity & Health for all ( incl. rejuvenation )
4- Take care of nature & climate
4-Our tool is Unlimited Creativity with:
4.1-The Blue Sky Index
Promotie video
BSI, It's Magic Through your phone
4.2-R&R + Culture
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